Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Under Construction

Everyone grab your hard hats, I'm doing some construction on my blog..
If you haven't noticed(which has to mean your color blind, and even then you can see the change) my blog has already started to change... it's going to be a long road to the finish, so bear with me..

Now about school-
Apollo College is really fun! My teacher is extreamly funny and loves teaching, you can tell. But speaking of school, I need to run to school now! :)


  1. Oh no pink is not a good color. How can you go from black to pink????? I think I might throw up just looking at it, sorry Kat but Pink has to go!!!!LOL

  2. I agree with Scott. Pink has to go. I like pink and all, but here is not the right place. I think blue, green, red, purple, or some variation of these would work better.

    Nathan says,"Hi!" He also wants you to come and play with him. He wants to call you on the phone. When is a good time for him to just breathe in your ear? LOL!!

    Can you do something on Friday night or Saturday night? We, Richard & I, thought we would invite the two of you to dinner & a ball game. Let us know. We are not sure yet which one. I have to find a babysitter for the kiddos. We would only take Kendal & possibly Anne-Marie.

    They both have double ear infections, so they are not the happiest kiddos in town.

  3. Well siblings, like i said ITS A START! It's not gonna stay like this forever, just until i get my new codes from my friend Tiffany. She just started doing blog backgrounds, she charges like 5 bucks, but i get it free since i was one of the first on myspace to have her do mine. she says there wont be so much black, so chill. lol pink is just a start...

    Hi Nathan! IDK when/what we are doing this weekend... besides saturday doing the ALL girls lunch thing.... other than that, i think i'm free... idk what Bret has planned, he doesn't really plan things, he just does them... a lot.. lol

  4. Ok, I know it is just a start. I really like Pink, but this is just way to "Pepto". I agree with the "sibs". Sounds like life it going 100 miles an hour and you are loving it! Yeah You!
    Love ya! Aunt ME

  5. I actually really like the pink. All of you must not have a girl who likes pink and dress up! Then pink is not so bad. I like your header style and the bullets of your family/friends thing. I would agree a little tiny bit lighter would be nice, but since it is under construction, . . .

    What time was that girls lunch anyways, I forgot to write that down?

    Hey- have you decided what you are doing next weekend? Are you going?

  6. I am going to Provo to meet his family this weekend(leave when i get out of school on the 5th and come home on the 7th). and i was informed that i would be driving part of the way. I dont mind that at all so dont get me wrong, but Scott and Jodi can contess to my stick shift driving experiences... peeling out... skidding to stops...etc... lol

    blah... more construction work is underway, and remember, my blog, my choice... for now until i have more time on my hands, its gonna be pink :)

  7. I actually like the color ... it freshes the day .... have fun!!! Oh Bailey and Hayden say Hello to you and the Bret!
